about interim management.
Interim management is ideal if you need a temporary leader or specialist in times of change, during a recruitment, or during a project or a planned or unplanned absence. It deals with solving temporary needs with experienced consultants.

what we offer.
Randstad has a large network of niche profiles. Our interim managers and specialists are skilled and experienced consultants who have chosen Interim Management as their career path. They enjoy the challenge, variety and flexibility of being a consultant and don't need a long induction period. This way, we can help you find the right manager and specialist with experience of the situation you're in, at short notice and for a flexible length of time.

our offer.
Randstad has a large network of niche profiles. Our interim managers and specialists are competent and experienced consultants who have chosen Interim Management as their own career path. They like the challenge, variety, and flexibility of being a consultant and do not need a long run-in period. In this way, we can help you find the right manager and specialist with experience from the situation you are in during a flexible period of time.
läs merRätt chefsrekrytering genererar tillväxt. Vi ville ha en tydlig ledare, som ändå är lyssnande och involverande. Vi är väldigt nöjda med rekryteringen, både utfallet och processen som bestod av en ansökningsfas, följt av intervjuer och tester.
Thomas M. Kristensen Managing director Hitachi Power Tools

nationally and internationally.
As one of the world's largest HR service companies, Randstad has an extensive network–both nationally and internationally, which we use to find the best competence. Whether you are looking for staff at national or international level, we can absolutely help you.
about randstad
With over 600,000 employees in about 40 countries, Randstad is a world leader in HR services. We help you find the right talents.
din guide till effektiv referenstagning.
Referenstagning är ett värdefullt steg i rekryteringsprocessen som kan hjälpa dig att fatta rätt anställningsbeslut. Ladda ner vår guide som beskriver processen, steg för steg, för att säkerställa effektiva referenstagningar.

lästips: så leder du i förändring.
Står er verksamhet inför en förändring? I dagens snabbrörliga och oförutsägbara affärsmiljö är förmågan att framgångsrikt leda i förändring avgörande för organisationers överlevnad och tillväxt. Här spelar chefen en viktig roll. Lär dig mer i vår artikel om vilka viktiga spekter ni bör ha i åtanke när ni arbetar med förändringsledning.
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